Thursday, December 23, 2010

Truvia,Natura's Calorie-Free Sweetener 1 Ounce Packages (Pack of 400)

Truvia,Natura's Calorie-Free Sweetener 1 Ounce Packages (Pack of 400) Review

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Truvia,Natura's Calorie-Free Sweetener 1 Ounce Packages (Pack of 400) Feature

Water, sunshine, nutrients from the earth. That's what goes into the stevia plant. Then nature works her magic and creates a wonderfully sweet taste. Next, we steep the leaves, much like making tea, that begins the process of capturing rebiana, the best tasting part of the stevia plant. Ultimately, this little leaf gives back a recipe for sweetness that's both delicious and zero-calorie guilt free. Try a spoonful of this sparkly-goodness in your coffee. Truvia natural sweetener is a sweet little something that satisfies your cravings without adding calories.

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